Angel Tree
About the PEC Angel Tree
The Prince Edward County Angel Tree has proudly upheld its cherished tradition in the County for over 35 years. With a committed team of dedicated volunteers and supported by The Children's Foundation the essence and spirit of the holiday program is strong.
Continuing this heartwarming legacy of spreading joy and making the holidays magical for families in our community is a wonderful way to be a part of something truly special. The Children's Foundation is proud to support this program again this year, further solidifying our commitment to fostering a season filled with warmth and happiness for all.
Who can Apply?
Residents of Prince Edward County, including Picton and the various County towns and villages, are invited to apply for assistance from this year's Christmas Toy and Food program.
When to apply?
The PEC Angel Tree program is accepting applications from families with children aged 0-18 from November 12th until December 7, 2024.
What do the Children and Families receive?
For this year's Angel Tree Program, participants can expect to receive gifts, toys and a gift card for a local grocery store to purchase a Christmas meal. The application requests the children's toy wish lists. While we strive to fulfill them, please note that our gifts rely on donations, and we cannot guarantee that all wishes will be granted.
How do I apply for my family?
To apply for the program, kindly click the button below and apply by December 7, 2024. We kindly ask that you apply to only one Christmas Sharing program.
When will my Angel Tree Packages be available to pick-up?
One of our volunteers will follow up with you to arrange a suitable time for gift and food hamper collection on December 18th. Please make sure you provide your best contact information on the application form. For further assistance, please call 613-921-KIDS (5437)
Ready to Make a Difference? Donate or Shop for a Child in your Community!
Drop into the St. Mary Magdalene Church Parish Hall, 335 Main St, E., Picton starting November 12th.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Fridays from noon to 4 pm
Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm
to pick an Angel off the tree to shop for.
How can I choose an Angel to shop for?
Angels with the child’s first name can be selected from the Angel Tree at the Parish Hall (located behind St. Mary Magdalene Church at 335 Main St., E., Picton) starting on November 12th.
All Angel tree donors will need to deliver their presents back to the Parish Hall for distribution by December 11th.
I would like to contribute to the PEC Angel Tree Christmas program with a monetary donation.
Rather Donate in Person?
Please feel free to donate in person at St. Mary Magdalene Church Parish Hall, located behind the church at 335 Main St., E., Picton between November 12 and December 11th. Our volunteers will be glad to help you at the times below. The Childrens Foundation will issue a charitable tax receipt for all monetary donations over $20.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Fridays from noon to 4 pm
Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm
Highland Shores Children's Aid Picton office - 16 MacSteven Drive, Picton,
Thursdays, 9am to 4pm
The Children's Foundation Office - 363 Dundas St. W., Belleville ON K8P 1B3
NOTE: Please write cheques out to The Children's Foundation, with the notation, PEC Angel Tree in the memo section. Cheques that aren't written out to The Children's Foundation cannot be deposited.
Donor FAQ’s
May I donate gently used items?
Unfortunately, no. We request that all gifts be new.
Is my cash donation eligible for a charitable tax receipt?
Yes, The Childrens Foundation will issue a charitable tax receipt for all monetary donations over $20. A full name and address will be required for processing.
Are there particular types of toys I should purchase?
Please see a list of toy categories by age here
Where do I deliver toys and other gifts?
Please DROP OFF your gifts at St. Mary Magdalene Church Parish Hall, located behind the church at 335 Main St., E., Picton by December 11th. Our volunteers will be glad to help you at the times below.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Fridays from noon to 4 pm
Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm
Should I wrap the gifts?
Please do not wrap gifts. It is best to put each child’s gift into a large gift bag or supply the gift wrap for parents to wrap their children’s presents. Gift wrap and gift bags are always welcome; we never have enough.
I have further questions about the program. How can I connect with the Foundation?
To donate or discuss how your organization can get involved, please contact Angel Tree PEC at 613-921-5437 or email